Loan modifications have advantages and disadvantages to consider. Understanding both sides can help you determine if it’s right for you.
• You might avoid foreclosure – If you can’t keep up with your payments, a loan modification can help you keep your home and get back on track with your payments.
• You may get lower interest rates – If you’re lucky, you might qualify for a lower interest rate, saving you money monthly and over the life of the loan
• You’ll have peace of mind – No one likes knowing they are behind on their mortgage payment, wondering when the foreclosure papers will come. Modifying your mortgage terms can help you sleep better at night.
• You might pay more over the loan term – Depending on the loan terms, you might pay more for the loan, especially if they extend the loan term.
• Not everyone qualifies – Lenders aren’t obligated to give you a loan modification, and each lender can have different requirements for them.
• It may not be permanent – Not all loan mods are permanent. Your lender may offer temporary help and have your original payments resume after the period ends.